Upload your favorite CIRS approved recipes here

fresh green smoothie with strawberry

reader recipes welcome here! low amylose favorites shared

Everyone in the Mold free Menu community is eager to try something delicious and looking forward to hearing about all of your low amylose reader recipes!
Our palates crave flavor and long for the foods we once devoured without hesitation. CIRS patients commonly develop multiple food intolerances, and sensitivities never experienced before exposure. Until the biotoxin illness is resolved, one must ride the food rollercoaster and avoid all foods that cause a reaction of any kind. This time of navigation can feel like an insurmountable hurdle- but we are strong together and creative minds find solutions! MFM strongly encourages everyone to openly share recipes and meal plans that follow the low amylose, gluten/sugar/lactose free guidelines. Feel free to send us the following information in your correspondence and you might be featured in our next newsletter!

Happy cooking- hope to hear from you soon! 🙂

Submission guidelines for low amylose reader recipes

  • Your real name (we promise NOT to share this unless you give us permission)*mandatory
  • The name by which you prefer to be identified for published recipes
  • The ingredients & measured amounts * mandatory
  • Servings per recipe * mandatory
  • Instructions * mandatory
  • Start to finish time
  • Are you the original creator of this recipe? If not, who may we credit? * mandatory
  • Is this a breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, or dessert?
  • What music do you listen to while preparing this dish?
  • A link to an image of the completed dish- (hint: hashtag MFM reader recipe for Instagram, or Pinterest)

All recipes must be free from common sources of inflammation like dairy, sugar/sweeteners, gluten and low in amylose. If there are any favorite tools, equipment, or serving dishes you really feel add quality to the dish- we’d love to know that too!