golden sun rising over a fresh green field

Mold Free Menu Mission

Empowering those suffering from CIRS and other biotoxin illnesses to regain some control through a supportive meal plan and significantly reduce symptoms of inflammation related to mold illness. The Mold Free Menu (MFM) mission is to provide valuable tools that support you during this health detour- a real life guide to eating only the foods that benefit your recovery. Providing trustworthy information about healthful foods, calling attention to foods & substances that may have negative effects on the forward momentum of your healing, and instilling hope for renewed vitality.

Because we value health and happiness, our team will always strive to bring the best meal ideas that don’t break the bank and actually taste good – two valuable points to smile about! Our goal is to gather information useful to those recovering from CIRS and share it free of cost. We encourage each community member to do the same- if you know someone suffering from biotoxin illness, offer to shop for them or prepare CIRS approved meals for them. The time and energy you extend only helps. Talk to the manager at your favorite restaurant about preparing something low amylose, dairy/sugar/gluten free; they might surprise you and embrace the challenge! Be sure to send a picture – we’d love to share it with the group 🙂

In a nutshell, the MFM mission is to be present and generously offer solutions. We seek to inspire creativity & experimentation while steadfastly existing a sanctuary in the chaos of biotoxin illness. And of course we will make every effort to tempt and satisfy your tastebuds – a fine distraction from the tasks & discomforts mold illness may bring.

Remember this simplified formula when you’re feeling a bit hopeless:

MFM + professional’s supervision of the Shoemaker Protocol + removing exposure = RECOVERY!

Let us be your go-to for every meal of the day; use the time and money you save for the joys of life!